Fake profile pictures of imaginary people (professional/"LinkedIn" style)
Here are some AI-generated faces that are suitable for showcase websites ("Testimonials", "About Us" pages, company profiles, etc.)
These curated stock images are all AI generated and free to use! Click on each to see a larger-sized .png, or to fix/enhance/upsample.
Need an AI-generated professional headshot that looks reasonably realistic? Don't want to pay $$ for stock photography?
Here are some fake LinkedIn profile pictures where I took "awkward" AI pictures and ran them through a refinement model to
make the features more realistic
upscale the resolution
give them slightly imperfect hair/skin
crate variations of facial features, ethnicity, and wardrobe
Background: with AI image generation, the best way is often not to try to get the perfect result with a perfect all-encompassing prompt, but
to generate some reasonable starting point (possibly in lower resolution),
discard all not-so-great results through good old-fashioned eyeballing (this took me the longest!),
then refining the result through additional prompts - often using different models, such as those specializing in faces (this took considerably compute time).
Below are some sample images. Are they perfect? No, I did not get them to look as natural as I wanted. But they are unique on the web and better than some others - especially if you tried to generate your own fake profile pictures on the fly, using free-to-use models. (At least as of spring 2024. I fully expect this page to be thoroughly outdated within a few months' time as there will be better images and generation tools widely available.)
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